Due to inclement travel conditions, all GCS after school activities have been cancelled for today - Thursday, January 5, 2023. If your child was planning to attend an after school activity today, please call the main office at 207-695-2666 to direct us with after school plan changes. Thank you and drive safely.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
TCTC has a one hour delay this morning - Thursday, January 5, 2023. TCTC students will meet Norm in the GCS parking lot at 8am for their ride to SAD4. TCTC students will follow the TCTC schedule today.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Hello from GCS on Thursday, January 5, 2023. We will have a 2 hour delay due to the inclement travel conditions this morning. School will start at 10am. Drive safely.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Message from the Nursing Office --- we have had a surge of sicknesses going around school recently - confirmed cases of Influenza A, COVID, and RSV. As the holidays approach, please make sure to keep your child home if they are feeling sick. We want everyone to enjoy family and friends during the holiday break!
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
All after school activities have been cancelled for today - Friday, December 16, 2022.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Holiday Concert and Art Show!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Consolidated School
holiday concert
Influenza A note to parents
about 2 years ago, Greenville Consolidated School
health letter
health letter cont
Hello from GCS on Thursday, December 1, 2022. Mr. Mace's bus run will be later than normal this afternoon. Your children will be dropped off about 30 minutes later than usual today. We apologize for any worry and confusion. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
GCS will have an early release at 11:30am today - Wednesday, November 16, 2022 due to inclement weather conditions. Busses and parents will pick up students at 11:30am. All after school activities have been cancelled. Drive safely.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Active Shooter Hoax- You may have heard reports about multiple active shooter threats this morning. At this time these reports are a hoax. I am in contact with local law enforcement and the DOE and will keep you updated as necessary. Respectfully, Kelly MacFadyen, Superintendent
about 2 years ago, Kelly MacFadyen
Tuesday, 10/18/2022 - We have one bus driving Mr. Butman's and Mr. Mace's bus routes today. Students may be 15 min or so later than usual.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Reminder - All HIGH SCHOOL students take the NWEA tomorrow - Wednesday, 10/19/2022. TCTC Students have an excused ,school-related absence from TCTC and will attend GCS to test. Testing starts at 8am.
about 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
The Greenville Rec Department and GCS are having a Halloween Parade for Grades Pre-K to 5 on October 31st at 12:45! Please see the attached flyer for more info.
over 2 years ago, Greenville Consolidated School
halloween parade
All parents/guardians are welcome to attend our Title 1 Informational event on Monday, 10/17 @ 6pm in the Learning Lab. Come meet our Title 1 Staff and learn more about what Title 1 is and the services provided.
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Hello from the GCS Health Office! This year has started out as a typical year in the Health Office with stuffy noses, coughs, sore throats, and stomach issues. This is pretty typical in school health offices as immune systems re-acclimate to being around germs. We want to remind parents - if your child is exhibiting viral/cold symptoms, please keep your child home for at least 24 hours after symptoms start. It is recommended to COVID test at the onset of symptoms. If symptoms are not improving (without medication) after 24 hours, your child should stay at home until the symptoms start to improve. If your child needs medication (to include but not limited to - Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough or cold medicine) to make it through the day, they should stay at home and rest. Thank you so much for helping us transition back to "normal" after two years of strict COVID protocols and guidelines.
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
The Shirley Bus will be 15 minutes later than usual this afternoon - Thursday, 9/29/2022. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Our staff and students participated in a Lockdown Drill today. Thank you to all the students for taking this drill seriously. Thank you to T4 Survival and GVPD Officer Josh Guay for being on campus supporting our safety preparedness efforts.
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
School Picture Day is approaching ... Put your smile on ... Monday, 10/3/2022!!!! Have your student pick up a packet in the main office if they have not already brought one home!!
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
LifeTouchPicture Day
TCTC students will have an abbreviated day at TCTC tomorrow - Friday, 9/23/2022. They will be dismissed early from TCTC and take the SAD#4 bus back to Guilford to be picked up by the GCS van at 11:30am. Student athletes will be back at GCS around 12:30pm in plenty of time to be on the field by 1pm.
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
Thank you GVPD Officer Josh Guay and GVFD Fire Chief Sawyer Murray for spending the day with us! Today, Josh and Sawyer addressed school safety; in October, they will be back for Fire Safety lessons and in November they will be at GCS for 911 Call Safety!
over 2 years ago, Lee Pearsall
GVPD & GVFD School Visits